
MY RECORDS ON FILE /  National Records / Video Verification Rules

The FCOA National Record Setter Icon

The FCOA National Record Setter Icon


Managing Your Records and Video Verification with FCOA

You can store your personal best records for free at and have them verified by your FCOA coach.

National records have to get verified by an FCOA Judge.

FCOA's definition of a National record:

"A factual event where a person outperforms all others of his/her country, even if that person for whatever reason does not participate in an organized competition"

If you believe you've set a national record, cross-check your performance against the databases from CMAS, AIDA, and FCOA, then check your video for possible reasons for disqualification. If you still believe your performance is a national record, then submit it and select an FCOA judge for verification. 

National Records Databases:


Possible reasons for video disqualification include:

  1. Video is not continuous, lacks clarity, non-real-time recording, absence of audio, or intrusions into the frame.
  2. The Judge considers the dive unsafe (e.g., safety diver is not focused or to far away, the camera man has no safety of his own. For deeper dives the camera man cannot also be the safety diver.
  3. The diver did not state his name and the date after the attempt. 
  4. The diver is unrecognizable from the ID submitted.
  5. During STA the eyes, nose or ears came out of the water, or a snorkel was in view. (The Judge could debate that possible the person did breath trough a perforated eardrum, through an abnormally wide tear duct or trough the snorkel.) 
  6. During STA apnea the diver did not get checked for being conscious during the last minute of the breath-hold 
  7. The diver did not recover on his own power.
  8. The divers head did not remain out of the water for a full 15 seconds.
  9. Someone touched the diver (With Static Apnea a safety buddy may touch the diver to stop him from drifting)
  10. The diver was not constant weight (for CNF and CWT)
  11. After a depth dive, the dive computer was not visible or not readable (tip: film the computer underwater to avoid glare and shatter, film it for about 10 seconds)
  12. Normal functioning of the dive watch was not established. (If the surface interval time is counting its good, if you can switch screens, it's good, if something blinks on the screen to verify it's not frozen, it's good)
  13. The dive time from the video and the dive time on the dive computer are too far apart
  14. The diver touched the dive line in a way that gave him and advantage more than once (for FIM and VWT this is allowed)
  15. Within 15 seconds after the start of the recovery breath the diver must take off his facial equipment and he must face the camera / Judge and say “I’m okey” while giving the “okey” hand sign.
  16. Doping test refusal in case the FCOA Judge requests one.
  17. The diver did breathe 100 % oxygen less than 1 hour before the attempt. The ultimate proof this did not happen is by filming the diver for one hour before the performance. This film would have to be continuous. 
  18. Unclear distance measurement on dynamic disciplines, (for high profile dives start filming the athlete continuously 1 hour before the performance to avoid suspicion of Oxygen use)
  19. Refusal to video measure pool length or other measurement equipment.
  20. Webbed gloves or other unusual equipment was used.
  21. The video link has zero social reach or missed the #FCOA hashtag.

A judge may ask assistance from a trusted local FCOA coach to obtain extra information, this can in particular be handy when diving in low visibility. 

Ensure compliance to avoid disqualification. Share your verification video widely to enhance confidence and support FCOA's outreach efforts

Here an example or a  verification video for Static Apnea"

The current Judges available are:

1.  Judge Gil Harris Melendres Villacorte, PhilippinesJ

2  Judge Nevin Manuel, India

3. Judge Aldrich Vincent L. Ballares, Philippines.

4. Judge Camille Gamalong, Philippines

5. Judge  Dhvinay Palaparambil Vinod, India

6. Judge Businge Sanusu, Uganda 

7. Judge Jeroen Elout, Netherlands

You may select one of them as Verifying Judge when you add your personal best performance video.